
The Options Program

The New York City Police Foundation and the NYPD established the Options program, which helps New York City youth build decision-making skills and access career-development opportunities through a series of workshops, training programs and internships. By partnering together, NYPD officers and youth participants in the program are having authentic, thoughtful, and productive discussions regarding real-life situations and challenges that young New Yorkers are facing. The Options curriculum was designed to create better outcomes, by enhancing emotional intelligence, developing de-escalation techniques, and strengthening the situational awareness of its participants.

To date, hundreds of NYPD officers and over 33,000 young people have participated in these dynamic workshops, which have fostered authentic, thoughtful and productive discussions regarding real-life situations and skills to to navigate the challenges young people in New York City face.  In addition to school presentations, NYPD OPTIONS Wellness Centers are being established throughout the city that provide a safe and creative space for young people to participate in multiple OPTIONS workshops designed to further their personal and professional development. The NYPD OPTIONS Wellness Center in the Bronx (48 Precinct) and the NYPD Community Center in Brooklyn (75 Precinct) are currently open with more to launch in Summer 2024.

These centers provide Virtual Reality Training labs to continue social-emotional intelligence training, wellness information and activities, and financial management classes. Professional Development services include life skills, resume writing, job interview training, and basic computer skills. Workshops also include pre-coding, videography/photography, communications/social media marketing, podcast production, trades training, and augmented reality art/music programs.